

Created: July 14, 2021  |  Last Updated: July 14, 2021  |  Category:   |  Tagged: ,

华盛顿,宾夕法尼亚州(2021年7月14日)——23岁的加布里埃拉·劳埃德(gabriella Lloyd)知道全面视野的价值.

It’s an approach she’s taken on her path to medical school, majoring in economics and Spanish at Washington & 杰佛逊学院&J),因为她完成了医学预科课程的要求,这是她教育旅程的一部分. She’s also finding ways to enhance her knowledge through experience, 今年夏天,她在巴特勒的循证康复中心担任门诊和住院实习生, Pa. and Davis Archway in Emlenton, Pa.

“I live in a very small town that’s been affected by the opioid epidemic, and I remember in high school hearing about peers dying from drug overdose; it’s been a big part of my upbringing because of that,加布里埃拉说 of her interest in the area. “No matter what branch of medicine I go into, 我将能够把我在这里学到的知识运用到我的实践中. 很多人忘记了阿片类药物的流行始于医生过度开止痛药.”

加布里埃拉有机会在每个诊所跟随医生,并为医生做抄写员. 她的工作也帮助她更多地了解艾滋病毒和丙型肝炎检测,以及帮助那些与成瘾疾病作斗争的人的不同做法.

“任何人都可能受到影响. 这是一个被严重污名化的地区, 获得我现在正在学习的知识有助于消除这些人是“坏人”的假象,加布里埃拉说. “可能是你的邻居,你的朋友,你自己的家人,而你不知道. 重要的是要记住人类与成瘾斗争的部分.”

了解医学人性化的一面对加布里埃拉来说很重要,因为她在W&J. 她目前正在上一门EMT课程,这将为她在秋季的课程中进行EMT工作做准备, 在夏天之前,她在华盛顿医院做志愿者,甚至被认证为合同追踪者,以帮助减轻COVID-19的传播. 凭借她的知识, she elected to serve as a student advisor to the COVID-19 Response Team, helping to shape College policy while keeping student needs in mind.

It’s these people-first experiences, combined with her non-traditional majors for a pre-med track, that have given Gabriella a holistic view of health care, well-preparing her for work with her future patients.

“我认为最重要的是W&J brings the humanities into what you’re doing,” she said. “你可以当医生, 但你要记住,在一天结束的时候,你是在治病, 你必须说我想帮助他们,优先考虑了解他们的需求.”

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