
创建:2018年10月9日|最后更新:2020年9月1日|类别: ,   |  Tagged: ,


The GIFT Fund was created at W&J in 2009, during a global economic downturn, 支持因不可预见的经济困难而无法支付学费或其他相关大学费用的学生.

A few common situations for W&J students who received GIFT Fund assistance include a parent suddenly passing away; a parent diagnosed with a debilitating disease (such as cancer) or other degenerative illness; a parent suddenly furloughed; or families that suffered excessive damage to their homes and financial distress due to natural disasters such as fires, hurricanes, and flooding.

GIFT基金自成立以来已被使用了200多次. 2018届学生在校期间,有40多名学生受益于该基金.

了解过去四年基金对同学的影响, 2018届毕业生挺身而出,帮助他们的同学和未来的总统. 62%的新毕业生向竞选活动赠送了礼物&J系近年来最高的毕业班礼品参与水平.

感谢慷慨的保管委员会和其他前受奖人,他们同意匹配高级捐款额, more than $17,300美元将用于捐赠基金.

欲了解更多关于GIFT基金的信息,请联系W&J’s Development & Alumni Relations team. A staff directory is available at jayconnected.com.

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